About AATO
The Financial Commitee
The Finance Committee l Le Comité des Finances
To ensure the transparency and accountability of AATO's finances, the Finance Committee performs the following functions:
Pour assurer la transparence et la responsabilité des finances de l'AATO, le Comité des finances exerce les fonctions suiva...
The Training and Technical Commitee
The Training and Technical Committee l Le Comité Technique et de Formation
The Training and Technical Committee performs the following functions:
Le Comité Technique et de Formation exerce les fonctions suivantes:
Overseeing the implementation of the framework for harmonization an...
The Council
The Council l Le Conseil
The Council is the executive body of the association, executing the decisions taken by the Assembly, making proposals to Assembly sessions, and performing such other tasks as delegated by the Assembly.
Le Conseil est l'organe exécutif de l'Association, exécutant les ...
The Secretariat
The Secretariat l Le Secretariat
The Secretariat is the administrative body of the association, and accountable to the Council for the conduct of the affairs and management of the Association.
Le Secrétariat est l'organe administratif de l'association et responsable de la Conseil pour la...
Our Work
Workshops l AteliersAviation Training Organisation (ATO) Certification WorkshopAtelier de Certification de l'Organisation de Formation Aéronautique (ATO)Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 21 to 22 October 2015An ATO Certification workshop was organised in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 21 to 22 October 2015, in ...
Training Experts Working Groups
Training Experts Working Groups (TEWG) l Groupe de Travail des Experts en Formation (GTEF)AATO Strategic Plan for 2013 to 2015Plan Stratégique de l'AATO pour 2013 à 2015The AATO Strategic Plan for 2013 to 2015 was prepared based on information collected and compiled by the Training Experts Workin...
ICAO Safety: AFI Steering Committee Meetings
ICAO Safety: AFI Steering Committee Meetings l Sécurité de l'OACI: Réunions du Comité Directeur AFISource: https://www.icao.int/safety/afiplan/Pages/steering-committee.aspx• Fourteenth Steering Commitee Meeting, Montreal, Canada, 24 October 2014• Thirteenth Steering Commitee Meeting, Dakar,...
Council Meetings
Council Meetings l Réunions du Conseil6th AATO Council Meeting reportRapport de la réunion du Conseil VI de l'AATOAddis Ababa, Ethiopia. 15 to 16 March 2015The 6th AATO Council Meeting was held at the Sheraton Hotel in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on the 15 to 16 March 2015. The meeting was attended by ...
AATO Conference 2012
AATO Conference 2012 l Conférence AATO 2012
Naoribi, Kenya. 2 to 4 April 2012Source: https://www.icao.int/safety/afiplan/Pages/AATO_Conference_2012.aspxInvitation Letters: English l FrançaisRegistration Form: English l FrançaisAgenda: English l FrançaisDraft Constituion: English l ...
Annual General Assembly l Assemblée Générale Annuelle
2013 AGA Report l Rapport AGA 2013Abuja, Nigeria. 10 to 12 April 2013
Source: https://www.icao.int/safety/afiplan/Pages/AATO_Assembly_2013.aspx
Assembly 2013 documentation
Report of the Constitutive Assembly of the Association of Af...
1st Annual General Assembly l 1st Assemblée Générale Annuelle
2014 AGA Report l Rapport AGA 2014Zanzibar, Tanzania. 1 to 3 October 2014
The 1st Annual General Assembly was hosted by the Tanzanian Government and held at Zanzibar Beach Resort in Tanzania from 1 to 3 October 2014. La 1ère Asse...
Annual General Assembly l Assemblée Générale Annuelle
2016 AGA Report l Rapport AGA 2016Kampala, Uganda. 23 to 25 August 2016
The 2016 Annual General Assembly was hosted by the Uganda Civil Aviation Authority, on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Uganda. The Assembly was held at I...
Annual General Assembly l Assemblée Générale Annuelle
The AATO 4th General Assembly will unite around 200 senior aviation training managers, Instructors, Inspectors, ANSP delegates from Africa and beyond for two days of networking, debate, analysis and insight.
The AATO 4th General Assembly is ...
IATA Training News
IATA Training News l Nouvelles de l'IATA
The IATA/EgyptAir Training ProgramLe Programme de Formation IATA/EgyptAirIATA and EgyptAir have joined forces to bring professional training solutions to your region. Unique diplomas designed specifically with EgyptAir, as well as select individual cours...
IATA African Authorized Training Centers (ATC)
Designated Centers of Excellence across Africa l Centres d'Excellence Désignés à Travers l'AfriqueAATO designs, develops and promotes the interests of aviation training and aviation training organisations through creating designated centres of excellence across the African continent. AATO conçoi...
ICAO Training News
ICAO Training News l Nouvelles de Formation de l'OACIEast Africa School of Aviation (EASA) now a Certified ICAO Regional Training Center of ExcellenceL'École de l'Aviation de l'Afrique de l'Est (EASA) est maintenant un Centre d'Excellence Régional Agréé de l'OACIThe East Africa School of Aviatio...
ICAO TrainAir Plus Africa Members
ICAO TrainAir Plus Africa Members l Membres ICAO TrainerAir Plus AfricaThe International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) TrainAir Plus Programme promotes training collaboration for the purpose of providing safe, secure, and sustainable development of global air transport. TrainAir Plus is a c...
ATNS Aviation Training Academy
AATO African Training Centers of Excellence l Centres Africains d'Excellence en Formation d'AATOATNS Aviation Training Academy l ATNS Académie de Formation de l'AviationAir Traffic and Navigation Services (ATNS) - Aviation Training Academy (ATA) The ATNS Aviation Training Academy (ATA) is ...
Nigerian College of Aviation Technology
AATO African Training Centers of Excellence l Centres Africains d'Excellence en Formation d'AATONigerian College of Aviation Technology, Zaria l Collège Nigérian de Technologie de l'Aviation, Zaria Nigerian Co...
Ethiopian Airlines Aviation Academy
AATO African Training Centers of Excellence l Centres Africains d'Excellence en Formation d'AATOEthiopian Airlines Aviation Academy l Afrique de l'Est École d'AviationEthiopian Airlines Aviation Academy Ethiopian Aviation Academy is the training division of the Ethiopian Airlines Aviation ...
East African School of Aviation
AATO African Training Centers of Excellence l Centres Africains d'Excellence en Formation d'AATOEast African School of Aviation (EASA) l Afrique de l'Est École d'Aviation (EASA) East African School of Aviation (...
Designated Centers of Excellence across Africa
Designated Centers of Excellence across Africa l Centres d'excellence désignés à travers l'AfriqueAATO designs, develops and promotes the interests of aviation training and aviation training organisations through creating designated centres of excellence across the African continent. AATO conçoi...
Western Region
Western Region l Région de l'OuestThe following AATO Members represent West Africa:Les Membres suivants de l'AATO représentent l'Afrique de l'Ouest:Ghana Civil Aviation Training Academy (GATA): www.gcaa.com.ghNigerian College of Aviation Technology (NCAT): www.ncat.gov.ngNigerian Aviation Handli...
Eastern Region
Eastern Region l Région OrientaleThe following AATO Members represent East Africa:Les Membres suivants de l'AATO représentent l'Afrique de l'Est:Uganda Civil Aviation Authority (CAA): www.caa.co.ug East Africa School of Aviation (EASA): www.easa.ac.keTanzania Civil Aviation Training Centre (CATC...
Southern Region
Southern Region l Région du SudThe following AATO Members represent Southern Africa:Les Membres AATO suivants représentent l'Afrique Australe:Comair Limited: www.comair.co.zaAir Traffic and Navigation Services (ATNS): www.atns.com
Northern Region
Northern Region l Région du NordThe following AATO Members represent North Africa:Les Membres AATO suivants représentent l'Afrique du Nord:Ethiopian Aviation Academy (EAA): www.ethiopianairlines.com/corporate/group/academyEgyptian Aviation Academy (EAA): www.eaaegypt.comEthiopian Civil Aviation ...
Addis Ababa 22 April 2024
AATO Stakeholders meeting in Addis Ababa 22 April 2024.