About AATO
الزيارات: 1061
Organizational Structure
About AATO
الزيارات: 1061
About AATO
الزيارات: 1061
Organizational Structure l Structure Organisationnelle
The Association of African Aviation Training Organizations (AATO) is a non-government international organization (NGO), incorporated as a not-for-profit (NPO) association. AATO is comprised of the following bodies as established in the Constitution:
L'Association des Organisations Africaines de Formation Aéronautique (AATO) est une organisation internationale non-gouvernementale (ONG), constituée en association sans but lucratif (NPO). L'AATO est composé des organes suivants, tels qu'établis dans la Constitution:
L'Association des Organisations Africaines de Formation Aéronautique (AATO) est une organisation internationale non-gouvernementale (ONG), constituée en association sans but lucratif (NPO). L'AATO est composé des organes suivants, tels qu'établis dans la Constitution:

The Assembly l L'Assemblée
The Assembly is the highest authority in the association, bringing together all members.
L'Assemblée est la plus haute autorité de l'Association, réunissant toutes membres.
The Council l Le Conseil
The Council is the executive body of the association, executing the decisions taken by the Assembly, making proposals to Assembly sessions, and performing such other tasks as delegated by the Assembly.
Le Conseil est l'organe exécutif de l'Association, exécutant les décisions Pris par l'Assemblée, faisant des propositions à l'Assemblée Sessions, et accomplir d'autres tâches que déléguées par les Assemblée.
The Secretariat l Le Secrétariat
The Secretariat is the administrative body of the association, and accountable to the Council for the conduct of the affairs and management of the Association.
Le Secrétariat est l'organe administratif de l'association et responsable de la Conseil pour la conduite des affaires et la gestion des Association.
The Council has established two Standing Committees to assist the Secretariat in carrying out its functions:
Le Conseil a créé deux Comités Permanents pour aider le Secrétariat dans l'exercice de ses fonctions:
Le Conseil a créé deux Comités Permanents pour aider le Secrétariat dans l'exercice de ses fonctions:
The Financial Commitee
The Finance Committee l Le Comité des Finances
To ensure the transparency and accountability of AATO's finances, the Finance Committee performs the following functions:
Pour assurer la transpa...
Read MoreThe Training and Technical Commitee
The Training and Technical Committee l Le Comité Technique et de Formation
The Training and Technical Committee performs the following functions:
Le Comité Technique et de Formation exerce l...
Read MoreThe Council
The Council l Le Conseil
The Council is the executive body of the association, executing the decisions taken by the Assembly, making proposals to Assembly sessions, and performing such other ta...
Read MoreThe Secretariat
The Secretariat l Le Secretariat
The Secretariat is the administrative body of the association, and accountable to the Council for the conduct of the affairs and management of the Associati...
Read MoreThe Assembly
The Assembly l L'Assemblée
The Assembly is the highest authority in the association, bringing together all members.L'Assemblée est la plus haute autorité de l'Association, réunissant toutes membr...
Read MoreOrganizational Structure
Organizational Structure l Structure Organisationnelle
The Association of African Aviation Training Organizations (AATO) is a non-government international organization (NGO), incorporat...
Read MoreThe Constitution
The Constitution l La Constitution
Table of Contents
Article 1 l Establishment
Article 2 l Objectives
Article 3 l Membership
Article 4 l ...
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